About Me

Hi! My name is J… Woah, wait a minute. So I know the name of the blog is  “The Not So Secret Agent”, but due to the nature of this project, we have decided to keep our identity a secret.

What is www.thenotsosecretagent.com ? What are you all up to?

So the aim of this website is to educate, new agents, aspiring agents, and even experienced real estate agents to do more, work smarter, make more money and sell more homes.  When we go into the business 4 years ago it was a minefield of misinformation, incomplete information, and downright BS, and we didn’t like it so…

We watch newly qualified agents everyday walk into our office, speak with the broker, team lead, etc, leave pumped up but quit 2 weeks later.  Or the agents that don’t know that they now own a business or need to pay fees or have a car ( yup!), so they quit before they even get started,  and we didn’t like it so…

They get ripped off by coaches who charge amazing amounts of money to tell them to “work harder ” or “focus”.  Nah….we don’t like it so…

So we plan to start fresh, share all our wins and fails & profits and losses. Every procedure in detail.  We even plan on making some $$$ Moolah $$$ with this blog via advertising and affiliate products like Amazon, eBay, and others.  Around the 5th of every month, we plan on publishing an Income report detailing all expenses, incomes, website traffic, sales stats and anything else that becomes relevant.

Here is the great thing. We are not going to tell anyone about this blog, not going to pay for traffic. Just a simple post every month on our social media outlets. Currently sitting at 0 followers.  Were also not going to ask you for anything other than feedback. To cite the most overused term of the 2000s we’re going to only come from a “position of value”.

Our Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram ( coming soon).

Oh also the plan is to do a daily Journal with what we basically accomplished.

What makes you think you can educate me?

Nothing honestly. I’ve been in the business for 4 years.

1st year – 2 million 12 transactions

2nd year – 6.5 Million 50 Transactions

3rd Year – 12 million 96 Transactions

4th Year – 9 Million 53 Transactions

I’ve grown a small team, My the Wife, a buyers agent and lots of sleepless nights.

So not a massive achievement. 100% agree.

Why Keep It a Secret?

Well kinda shy, not really there really is a good reason. If we disclose the brokerage we work for…. our website gets slammed with false traffic, fake sign-ups and we waste a bunch of time.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.  Also, we really don’t want you should sign for Keller, Exp or Remax, etc posts. That is not what this is about.

Hang on what is it about then? Building a blog that makes some $$$MOolah$$$ and helping agents, prospective, new and old cut through all the bull that is out there. I hope.

That’s it for now, hopefully not the first and last thing that happens on this site. However, I have been told I’m a procrastinator.